Monday, June 8, 2009

Uwe Boll. Live or Die?

Uwe Boll is a man who has gotten pretty famous as of late, but not in the way most directors want to be famous, Boll is famous for making movies based off of video games; and the movies suck. The movies Boll directs are so bad, there is a petition on line with thousands of signatures asking for Boll to stop making movies all together. Surely he can't be that bad, can he?

Some of Uwe Bolls movies include House of the Dead, BloodRayne 1, 2 & 3, Alone in the Dark, and Postal, to name a few. Forget the Tomatometer, or the IMDB rating, these movies were so terrible, they don't have a number low enough for most of these movies. I have seen a few of these movies, and I have also seen the top 5 worst movies on IMDB's list, and I would have to say, a few of them belong on this list.

So, should you sign the petition now to have Boll booted from movie making, of course not. Boll generally gets bad scripts, bad premises and poor amounts of money, so there is some of the terribleness that is not his fault. That being said, I just saw Postal (don't watch it, please) of which Boll wrote the script, had a role in the movie, produced and directed. You can't get any more control than that. Without a doubt, I can tell you the movie was one of the worst I've seen. I mean, it's just bad, stupid, lame...take your pick.

Now, I like terrible movies as much as anyone else, so, I think Uwe Boll movies have their place. At least you know what your getting yourself into, I just encourage everyone to not actually pay to see one of his movies. Maybe work out some sort of barter system, to where someone gives you a million dollars, or a cherry pie or something; in return, you see one of his movies. See how that works?

I read somewhere, Uwe Boll was compared to Ed Wood, the lovable director who was famous for terrible movies way, way back in the day. He was so famous, he would later be portrayed by Johnny Depp (take that Uwe Boll). I would say this is probably a pretty good comparison. Uwe Boll understands, I think that his movies are not the same type of movies that make billions of dollars in the theaters, and they are not the same movies that win Academy Awards. Boll is even fine making fun of himself on the internet and in his films. I think he has good ideas and works hard to get his name out there, even if it takes a boxing match to do it. I just think, in all his efforts to become the modern George Lucas, he is more comparable to Ed Wood, than anything else.

I do think Uwe Boll has his place in Hollywood, but I think it should not be at the same table as Steven Spielberg and the like; maybe they have a kids table, or a weird, mutant, film-makers table that would be more to his liking (ironically, that table does sound fun).

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