Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Harry Potter musseled by big, giant robots!

Harry Potter fans will have to wait to see the newest movie in IMAX theaters two extra weeks. If that makes you unhappy, you can blame Michael Bay, Shiah Lebeuf, Megan Fox, and Optimus Prime. Apparently, Transformers has a contract with IMAX for full coverage for 4 weeks, no matter what. That is well and good, but after two weeks of running, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince was scheduled to be released. Since Paramount and Transformers have a contract, poor Potter will have to wait, which will seriously hurt box office numbers and IMAX numbers for Harry Potter.

So, will you wait the extra two weeks to go see Harry in an IMAX screen, or considering the delay and the extra money, is it just too many reasons to not see it in IMAX?

Personally, I am not a fan of IMAX, mainly because the theater is not that much better, nor is the picture. I don't like paying $10 for my movie ticket and downright refuse a $15 bill for a movie, unless its one for the record books. So, to add a delayed viewing of a movie I am super-excited to see just concretes my decision of no IMAX.


Rabid Nick said...

You owe me a $15 dollar bill btw....

Kevin said...

Just mailed it today....it's on its way!