Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Are we to blame for the Suck that has invaded Hollywood?

In many of my posts, I suggest my readers (both of 'em) to "stay cool, movie geeks." According to one article, it's an insult, for movie geeks are the reason the suck has invaded such franchises as X-men, Terminator and others. So, could it be true? Could it be that our geekiness and total movie knowledge has corrupted the very thing we geek out over?

There is a great article on Cinematical, done by a more talented writer than I, that claims the charge of Hollywood suckification (you know you like that word) is wrongfully placed on movie geeks by a column on The Guardian's website. The article goes on to say that the masses are more responsible for the poor movie quality of franchise movies like Terminator: Salvation and X-Men Origins: Wolverine because they are the ones that are easily persuaded by trailers and marketing etc. I don't agree with this, either.

The responsibility for the ending of Terminator: Salvation was that of the director, and more likely, the Hollywood execs. They thought the masses would enjoy a much tighter, cleaner ending than the one originally laid out. The movie geeks did freak out about the ending, but I think that was just a sample reaction of the audience they sought, and in their infinite wisdom, they figured out, an ending that they thought would result in a better reaction. Unfortunately, they were only partially right, the original ending would have resulted in disastrous reviews, but the ending they chose was too far the other direction to be considered good. Therefore, their over-reaction to a movie geek freak out is the problem.

So, next time someone blames a movie geek for the problem of movie geek related movies, tell them to blame the Hollywood filmmakers for over reacting to an audience. A wise man once said to "give them what they want, but only enough to keep them coming back for more." I don't know who it is, maybe it was Keanu Reeves, or maybe it was Socrates, but, either way, the theory is sound. Maybe Hollywood should think about that.

I would also say there are very few movies truly made for the movie geek in this day and age. Sure, there are often tips of the hat to true movie-goers, but I think the smart movie makers are gearing the movies toward the masses, as opposed to the movie geeks. I would think J.J Abrams Star Trek is a perfect example. While the movie had many little rewards for the movie geek, the movie was catered to the casual movie-goer. And, look how the movie did...far better than any other Star Trek movie, all of which truly catered to the Trekkie community.

So, what do you think, do the movie geeks need to bare the responsibility for the poor movie quality of the movies, or is it something else?

Until we have the answer, stay cool movie geeks!


Anonymous said...

I don't think it is the movie geeks at all, but those people that rush out to see anything that is new that weekend. Ask one of those teenie boppers that saw terminator if they even know what the movie is about and you know you will hear, "My boyfriend wants to see it." Speak up sister, go see a movie you want to support.

Kevin said...

Great response. I agree completely! People that just blindly throw money at a movie can really hurt things!

Rabid Nick said...

I certainly don't think there is a problem at all. Studios have been passing off the easiest and cheapest ways to make money at the cinema since the dawn of time (yes, like when I was in school). Thats when they had the studio system and just pumped movies out right and left. Remember, Casablanca wasn't supposed to be ANYTHING special, just another studio pic.

There are too many different factions to please when making a film and watered down movies like Salvation are proof. Trying to appease the exes, the director, the former director, the teenage boys, and finally us film school fans. There are so many brilliant productions getting made that are aimed as say only us, and they are critically marveled but maybe don't make so much.

No I say were are in a lovely time, there is just SO much out there. Yes a lot of it brainless and popcorny, but a lot like Pans Labyrinth which was exquisite or The Fall last year which was so beautiful. There is something out there for all, esp the zombies who'll see anything.

Kevin said...

I would have to agree (except the zombie part, I like zombies) that it is just too tough to appease everyone. I think, when they focus on a group to please it definetly is effective. I just wish they would stop trying to just appease people, and unleash some creativity, guys like Abrams, Spielber, and Del Toro could possibly do something so amazing everyone would love it.