Friday, June 12, 2009

Buffy The Vampire Slayer movie still has nothing to do with Whedon

It was announced the director of the original Buff the Vampire Slayer, starring Kristie Swanson and Donald Sutherland look to reboot the dead franchise. Normally, the legion of Buffy fans would be excited, but when it was announced movie script writer and TV series creator Joss Whedon would not be included, everyone freaked out. On top of that, TV Buffy, Sarah Michelle Gellar was not invited back for the, the fans are murderous.

So, after hearing that, the directors and producers, wanting to try and salvage the idea before it got started, asked Joss Whedon to come in and consult on the movie. Whedon was very professional at the slap in the face and said it would probably be best if he didn't touch that project, and he said he wished them luck.

Personally, I take that as a very nice way to extend the old middle finger at the insult. I mean, the movie was pretty bad, and the only reason the franchise continued was due to Whedon's passion and amazing creative talents; and to just deny him like that is silly, but to come to him, after hearing the fans would burn a building down if they didn't is just pathetic. So, despite the fact a Buffy movie sounds like a good idea, I hope it doesn't happen, not without the people who worked so hard to get the now loyal fanbase.


Rabid Nick said...

Not a fan but no Joss and no SMG=fail. Its' too soon. Fools.

Kevin said...

I agree. The people loved the TV show, either give them more of it, or leave it alone until its time for a reboot, but like you said, too soon!