Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Rumor Mill: G.I. Joe

This is one of those rumors that seems to be building some steam, and has some credibility behind it, but, it's still a rumor, so take it as you will.

So, after the terrible response to the trailer for G.I. Joe, they decided to show what they had to a test audience to see if the outcry of suckage was based on the trailer, or the movie. The results were reportedly the lowest scores of any film that particular company has ever seen. The fallout seems to be pretty intense; apparently the producer said "go Joe" and fired Steven Sommers, the director and hired someone to come in and try to re cut the movie to salvage some hope. The response from the cleaner was simple, "it can't be done."

Now, this could be just rumor, or it could be fact; I mean, the trailer, casting and script look absolutely terrible, so I do believe the studio started freaking out after seeing the trailer, but I do think, without reshoots, the movie could be unsaveable. I guess we'll see in upcoming weeks, but there is almost no hype for a movie of such magnitude, so, now, we just sit back and watch the big, fat, bellyflop of G.I. Joe.


Rabid Nick said...

Unsalvagable REALLY worst movie ever possibility? NOW I might be in. Let's get loaded and go see it and laugh our asses off.

Kevin said...

I am so there! Just, leave out the shots!

Rabid Nick said...

Wow those Zom....those shots we do not speak of really must have messed you up.

Kevin said...

Oh yeah, I'm still kinda green around the gills from the thought of those shots we do not speak of.

Rabid Nick said...

Do you remember the Green Dragons of Early '06? LOL remember the broken picture frame in that hotel room? Remember my almost being run down in Key West, which would have avoided the great Brian/Cheq war? Yeah me neither. Where's the list!?