Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Two new bits of sequel goodness to get you to hump day!

There are reports coming out today on two big sequels, and it seems to be good news. I'll let you decide!

The first bit of news comes from the Nuked Fridge front in the form of a Shiah LeBeuf interview, where he is recorded as saying his buddy and mentor, Steven Spielberg just got a story down for the fifth Indiana Jones movie, and is working on putting that together. Pretty big news, I just hope they can come up with a better story, and a much, much better McGuffin...Mr. Lucas!!!

The second bit of info is regarding the movie currently sitting in the top spot at the box office. That's right, I'm talking about the hilarious comedy, The Hangover. Apparently, the sequel has been greenlight, and they hope to start filming by February, which seems pretty quick to me, but more Hangover goodness is wonderful news. I hope they can get everyone back, and if so, I have no idea what kinda crazy adventures those guys can get into next, but it ought to be pretty darn funny!

So, is anyone interested in a new Indy movie after the last debacle? I think I would be, but I don't know how they would work it, considering the ending of number 4. I would prefer not to have a two hour Shiah fest, but given Harrison Fords age, I don't see another choice. All I ask is, don't do a prequel or a reboot, or a re-anything...that's so played out!

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