Thursday, May 14, 2009

Will Star Trek beat Angels & Demons

Star Trek busted up the box office last week with a sweet $79 million. This week, Star Treks adversary is not a Romulan, it's a mulleted Tom Hanks and the church o' doom! Ok, that makes it sound so much more exciting than it probably will be.

So, will Angels & Demons take the box office? Or will Star Trek reign supreme two weeks in a row? The previous installment, which received mediocre reviews made a ton of money ($77 million its first weekend), but reviews have been less than stellar for the sequel, along with not a lot of talk, or controversy, as the church seems to not really care about the release.

The studios are predicting about $70 million for Angels & Demons, which, if true would more than likely push Star Trek to second place.

For my prediction, I'm saying $62 million for Angels & Demons, but it will take first place. Am I right here?

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