Friday, May 15, 2009

Trailer of the week!

It's that time again, ladies and gentlemen, the week is coming to a close, your getting your best clubbing outfits on, ready to go out on the town, meet some new people, get drunk and get lucky...ok, if your reading this, that is probably not going to happen to you, your probably staying home and playing video games, maybe re watching that classic episode of Firefly where Mal gets married....good times, hey, I'm not judging.

Anyway, this weeks trailer cracked me up, and made me laugh out loud (that's LOL to most people) because of Mike Friggin Tyson, and that is something I never thought I would say. The movie is called The Hangover, and it basically looks like a cross between Harold & Kumar go to White Castle, and Dude Where's My Car, which is never a bad thing, because I liked both those movies. The trailer probably has all the funniest scenes in it, but the trailer is hilarious, so party on.

So, without further delay, the trailer:
Have a great weekend, and stay cool Movie Geeks!


Brian said...

Dude where's my car going to be parked when the boys go see this? And will there be a tiger the next day?

Kevin said...

I can't wait for this movie, and yes there will be a tiger the next is required!