Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Harry Potter gets adopted by Luke Skywalker

On the next..Oprah.

Alright, so I watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix the other night and despite my less than stellar opinion of the last Potter movie, I enjoyed this movie, but I noticed a couple of things I wanted to share and just get out in the open. Before I begin, I want to say, I have never read the books, but I have actually enjoyed the first couple Harry Potters, but I did notice a bit of a downturn in the quality of the movies up until recently.

First off, Harry Potter has a new daddy, and his name is Luke Frickin' Skywalker (seriously, "frickin'" is his middle name). If you have seen Star Wars you know what I'm talking about. I am talking about going into Tashi station to pickup some powwerrr converterrrssss. That's right, I'm talking about the hero acting all whiney and Emo-like. There have been multiple similarities between Harry Potter and Star Wars including a society with mystical powers, a young protege being thrown into the mix and having to duel a fallen member of the same society who now wears a dark cape and has the letter "V" in his name. Now Harry is starting to imitate Luke and his lame-hero act. I can see it now..."Harry, I am your father...nooooooo."

Another interesting thing I picked up is the tendency to focus on the female characters more heavily than the male characters. Now, I'm not talking about Harry, per-se, but I am talking about Harry's entourage, and the tendency to focus on how the female characters are always much stronger and more powerful than their male counterparts. You don't believe me? Here's an example: Look at the Weasleys, clearly momma Weasley runs the show. When Dumbeldore's army is training, most of the screen time is used up by showing the girls (including Jenny Weasley, that Cho chick, Hermoine and Luna) all nailing their spells; the small amount of time left is showing Ron and Neville bumbeling around. Another example is that of Sirius Black and his mysterious relative (played by the wacky Helena Bohnam Carter) who, without giving anything away, clearly gets the best of Sirius, and most of the decisions Harry makes come from Hermoine pushing him to greatness. While there is no issue with this, I would just point it out as a matter of discussion.

Lastly, and I will expand and make another post just on this topic, but it goes well here too, and it involves CGI moments in movies that take you out of the moment, and simply put a small mark of crap on an otherwise interesting movie. In this case, I'm talking about the giant guy, I mean, it looked like the Scorpion King from the second Mummy had a kid with those monsters from I am Legend, and we got this...just silliness, considering the rest of the special effects were spot on, especially when Dumbledore was fighting Valdemort.

So, I know there was a bit of complaining, but without addressing the flaws, you can appreciate the successes, and there were some here, especially the girl that played Looney Luna, along with a great performance by Gary Oldman and I also thought Emma Watson will be an acting force to be reckoned with some day.

So, there are some thoughts, got any response, or ideas? Are you insanely excited for the new Harry movie? I know you are!


Anonymous said...

Totally agree with everything. Now, can we do a Fight Club spin and say none of this happened? =)

Totally stoked for the new one!!


Kevin said...

I like it! Harry was just a figment of Neville's imagination. Brilliant! Based on the trailer, the new one looks incredible!