Monday, May 4, 2009

What's on TV

In today's segment, I wanna talk about a movie I had seen several times, that was on TV this weekend that totally caught me off guard, Daredevil. Now, most would say it was Ben Affleck's bad acting that caught me off guard, but that wasn't the case. The version they showed on TV was the famed Directors cut of the movie, which I had never seen. After watching this version, I was blown away with the differences in the movie, I mean, it was almost a completely different movie. This movie was far superior to the original cut of the movie in nearly every way, it had a plot, it had heart, and it balanced the crimson crusader with his alter ego far better, showing a man battling with what he is and what he is to become, along with fighting the normal, everyday struggles.
After watching this movie, it left me wondering who cut the original movie, if it wasn't the director? With such a dramatic difference, with nearly 40% of the movie being different, how did the crap that was originally released get passed the director? It used to be that the director had final say over the cutting room, but maybe this is one of those cases of the studios stepping in and overriding the director, which always seems to lead to a much poorer movie. Look at the Donnor cut of Superman, a very different movie, indeed. There have been quite a few cases where the special features will show scenes cut, and I just scratch my head as to why you would cut out gold like that segment, and keep in terrible segments.
Generally with the Directors Cut, (I'm looking at you, Mr. Lucas) all you get is an extra documentary, and maybe another minute of footage, which, in my opinion, is hardly worth the money, but in this case, it may be worth switching in the movie for the new, and very much improved version.
Check it out, Ben Affleck is not at his best here, but I appreciated the job much better in this version, but I never really had a problem with Ben, Jennifer Garner, is a different story, while hot, I thought she was pretty awful. The one shining gem in this movie was the blind-o-vision they came up with to show the audience what it's like to be Daredevil, I could have done with more of that, maybe flash to it during action scenes, and flying over rooftops, but it was good when it was there. Joey Pants was his usual self, although the directors cut gave more depth to that character as well, and the last part was Jon Favreu, who actually was more than just comedic relief in this version, he had heart and soul.
So, worth the Netflix queue placement for sure!

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