Friday, May 29, 2009

a Movie that is remake-proof?

Alien, Predator, The Three Stooges, Total Recall, The Wolfman, Halloween; there are many more, but these are just a few of the remakes that are making news this week. Obviously, Hollywood has gotten in its collective mind that they can do everything better than it was previously done, and as a result, have started remaking everything in hopes of a good payday.

The topic for today is, do you think there is one movie that can't be touched; one movie that even the dumbest, or bravest of directors wouldn't touch?

Over the past few years, I have heard of many roles that can't be touched. The most recent ones that disprove an untouchable role include Jack Nicholson's The Joker and William Shatner's James Kirk. These roles were not only touched, but surpassed the original. Other questionable attempts include the aforementioned three stooges and the Wolfman. I will go on a limb and say that these will also surpass the originals.

So, with all the roles that have broken the rules and lived to tell the tale, is there a movie that is untouchable? I've mentioned I don't think Casablanca should ever be remade. I would say the same goes for Citizen Kane. I also think Schindler's List should not be touched other, but what I think should not be touched and what I think are untouchable are two different stories. There are plenty of movies I don't think will ever achieve the kind of cinema magic previously achieved, but I don't think that should ever prevent someone from trying.

In my opinion, there is not a film out there that is so perfect, it can never be topped, therefore, there will always be directors, producers and actors trying to top the classics, only history will tell if they get it right...oh, and me; I'll tell you if they get it right.

Here are a couple that I think will not get touched any time soon. The list includes Blazing Saddles, Star Wars, Ep. 4. (as long as you don't count the 55 special editions) Citizen Kane, Schindlers List, The Matrix, Bambi, Indiana Jones.

So, got a movie that should be remade? How about a movie that is untouchable? Did I forget a big movie that won't see the light of day in the next 10 years?

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