Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dinner with Johnny Depp, huh?

Apparently, Johnny Depp is the guy most women would want to go on a dinner date with. He beat out Ocean's 11 star George Clooney in a poll done for WWF (the World Wildlife Foundation, this has not to do with Vince McMahon) also surveyed some males, who said Jennifer Anniston is the lucky woman.
So, this got me thinking, who would you want to go to dinner with? I mean, you can't just have someone who is really good looking, because, what would you talk about for 2 hours. You can't have someone who is dead, or someone who is just annoying, so, who would you choose?
As far as my choice is concerned, Jennifer Anniston is nowhere near the top of the list...not even close. I'm a big FRIENDS fan, but NO. Maybe Natalie Portman would be a top choice. I mean, she clearly has the smarts and the looks, and would be someone interesting. I'm sure I can think of others, but that's all I got right now.


Anonymous said...

I have to go with Shiah!!! I think he would be hilarious and I think he would be just awkward enough to make me feel normal.

Kevin said...

Just watch out for the mangled pinky of doom!