Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Marvel and Ed Norton? Not so much...

Judging by the numbers of the Incredible Hulk, most people didn't go and see the movie with Ed Norton. In fact, the movie had nearly the same amount of money made as the horrible Eric Bana version, the Hulk. And, due to its less-than-stellar performance, apparently Marvel has not talked to Ed Norton about making a sequel, or making the appearance as the green machine in the planned Avengers movie, which already is slated to have the Hulk in some form.
Now, don't even get me started on the abomination that was the first movie. (Ha, I made a funny punn, or, a 'punny' if you will...cause, ya know, the abomination was the bad guy in the newer Hulk movie....ehh, whatever). The second movie simply came out too soon. Edward Norton is a great actor, and if they think they can do better than him, they have another think coming!

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