Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

Ok, so please tell me you have seen this, or at least heard about this internet phenomenon. This is an Internet only TV show. There are 3 episodes of about 15 minutes long. The TV show stars the amazing, the talented NPH (yep, good ol' Doog' himself!) and one of my favorites, Nathan Fillion (Capt. Mal of Firefly) and Felicia Day (of, well, she was on some stuff).
So, this is a musical. I'm usually not the biggest musical fan in the world, even though I have seen the classics, and I know the Men in Tights song like the back of my hand. This, however, is nothing like anything else I have seen. The story is of Dr. Horrible (NPH) trying to take over the world, and it starts off in a video blog format, just a supervillain talking about taking over the world, ya know, normal stuff. His plans are side stepped by the fact he has a crush on a girl, Penny. Now, every villain has to have a nemesis, and his is the infamous Captain Hammer (Fillion). Captain Hammer is not your typical superhero, he's full of himself, and couldn't really care too much about anyone else....come to think about it, I do see a few similarities, but I digress. So, after some shenanigans, Dr. Horrible has the opportunity to get into the evil league of evil, all while his crush starts going out with his nemesis, Captain Hammer.
This show is great, it was created by Joss Whedon, who did a little-known show call Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it's spin off Angel; my personal favorite Firefly, and the movie Serenity. Whedon nails the musical parts as everyone is amazing to listen to, and he nails the comedy, with enough drama to make you really care about these characters. If you have not checked it out, after commenting on this blog, click here: http://www.drhorrible.com/
Let me know what you think!

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