Monday, September 22, 2008

Comfort movies

Ok, this one is going to require some audience participation, but I promise it’ll be interesting to see what everyone comes up with.
I was talking to some people today about ‘comfort movies.’ They are kind of like comfort foods, but they are movies, generally ones that people have seen millions of times, and can recite the entire script, beginning to end. In my case, especially, they are movies no one else will watch with me, because I provide the soundtrack, all karaoke like, and it drives people nuts. I can’t help it, these movies make me happy when I’m sad, they provide me company when I’m lonely and they make me feel comfortable when everything else is going crazy.
Now, that got me thinking about what those movies are for me. Don’t worry, I have a list. But, I was really curious to see what kind of movies other people have as a comfort movie. Are they all comedies, or ‘80’s movies, or all with the same actor? Do they all have Delorean’s in them? Hopefully, others will back up some of the ones on my list and make me feel a little less crazy, but we’ll see.
Back to the Future – Hands down, one of my favorites. The entire trilogy I can recite from top to bottom, and I often quote these movies in every day life. I am such a dork, I know, but I grew up on these movies, and they are still on some random channel all the time. The box set is already worn out, but it would be worth replacing.
Surf Ninjas – Ouch! This is one of those guilty pleasures that take me back to that time of innocence. My sister and I used to rent this movie at our local Blockbuster when we were kids and watch it over and over. If there is a way to go back to your youth or simply have a piece of it, this movie is it for me. I can easily quote the entire movie and am fine with taking the abuse for it. (But, maybe not the best thing to share with a girlfriend, just sayin’)
Blazing Saddles – This movie, no matter when you look, is always on TV somewhere. The comedic genius of Mel Brooks is very entertaining, and there is something comforting about this movie. No one can resist smiling when Bart takes himself hostage, or when Mongo punches the horse, or the toll booth in the middle of the desert, and everyone can quote this movie, so this is one of those movies you don’t have to cite, when quoting, which helps you look less like a movie dork, and more like a pop culture fan.
Better off Dead – This movie is a little-known John Cusack 80’s masterpiece. This movie helped me get over so many breakups in my high school days, that alone is worth it, but it’s also really funny and truly comforting knowing someone out there has it worse than you!
Airplane – I am serious, and don’t call me Shirley. Everyone knows this movie, it’s on TV constantly and always a good staple. I can quote it backwards and forwards and can’t help but laughing. The best part of this movies is, I always find something new to make me laugh, I mean, who doesn’t laugh when everyone lines up to smack the women to calm her down? Did you see the guy with the crowbar, or what about the Nun with the gun? Classic!
All comedies, huh, well, am I all alone on this selection (ok, I would buy Surf Ninjas, but not the rest)?


Marisa said...

You won't watch Surf Ninjas with me??

Also... I think we should watch the B2TF trilogy together - A, I've never seen the third one (Please don't hate me! I don't hold weddings against you!) and B, it's been a while on the two... and C, I wouldn't mind all your comments :)

I'll have to think and get back to you on my comfort movies...

Kevin said...

I would watch Surf Ninjas with you, but I'm sure there are movies that are a bit higher on the 'together list.' Like, Back to the future, I'm there! And, I appreciate you not holding weddings against me, so I guess I can let the BTF thing slide.