Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Sam Axe TV Movie?

One of the many rumors that came out of Comic Con this year was at the Burn Notice Panel. There were some ideas that were tossed around that Sam Axe, played by Bruce Friggin Campbell (no, really, that's his middle name, "Friggin") would get a made for TV movie that would explain the back story.

Now, this is just an idea, and there is nothing remotely concrete about it, but what do you guys think?

For me, I love Bruce Campbell, I think he is the man, and every moment with him on Burn Notice is a great moment. That being said, I don't think this move is neccesary. I think the natural progression of the story fills in some of the gaps nicely. So, put him in Spiderman 4, let him play some level 104 wizard in the new World of Warcraft movie and call it a day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

100% Agreed