Saturday, July 18, 2009

A preview for this week.

So, I was thinking about doing a Harry Potter Vs. Star Wars column.
At first, its like "how do you compare them?" But, after looking at the movies, there are a lot of similarities. So, I am going to break down the series, both, currently at 6 movies and look at the strengths and weeknesses and come up with a champion.

Does anyone have any input as to which you think is the greater series?


Rabid Nick said...

"General, count me in."

Alicia said...

As a fan of the Harry Potter book series, I am slightly biased since your blog/articles are based solely on the movies (this is a movie blog, not a book blog). I was born in 1983, the year Return of the Jedi premiered in theaters. I missed the pleasure of watching Episodes 4-6 and 1-2 on the big screen. I hate Jar Jar Binks. Me-sa wanna punch him in the snout or beak...whatever, the facial region. However, the Star Wars Epic cannot be beaten. You just can't touch it. The flaw holding the HP series from reaching Lucas-style proportions? Lack of surprise. There's no point in any of the movies where the audience has or will have experienced the jaw-dropping "it's his sister!" or "it's his father!" moment. Although enjoyable, and stamped Lucasfilm in the end credits (I'm pretty sure I saw this), wands will never compare to lightsabers.

Kevin said...

Alicia, I couldn't have said it better myself. I am a huge Star Wars fan. We're talking HUGE Star Wars Fan. I DON'T KNOW ANYONE THAT KNOWS MORE ABOUT STAR WARS THAN ME. (Yeah, that's right, I said it Brian)

I agree completely about the lightsaber vs. wand thing, too. In fact, I may have to borrow that. Don't worry I'll bring it back.

The big thing for me, is whether the prequels will hurt Star Wars enough to let Harry Potter surpass it. And, you can tell me, is Voldemort Harry's daddy?!? ;)

Anonymous said...

I don't know. It seems they are appealing to 2 different audiences, as well. Harry Potter truly started out as a tween thing and has grown from there. I would say Star Wars is more of the middle to high school genre! I am sorry, but Harry's wand is better than Luke light saber. (hehe, that was an inuendo)