Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A new look at the Ewoks

For those of you who don't know, I am a huge fan of The Movie Blog. So, when a video post came up on that site entitled "Screw You, I love the Ewoks" my interest had already gone off the scale.
In the video below, John talks about how people look down on the third movie in the original Star Wars trilogy as a bit weaker due to the Ewoks. The video is hilarious, and a must see, but I would say the Ewoks were a good bit of balance in the trilogy.

After the ending of Empire, things are on a down-note. Han is frozen in Carbonite, and taken to Jabba; Luke found out he is a bastard child to a robot in a cape; Leiah loves Han, a known Nerf-Herder that is pretty scruffy lookin', and also realized she kissed her brother, who is now a one-handed handicapp, and to make matters worse, the Rebellion is getting its butt kicked. Clearly a dark ending, and a low point for the characters in the trilogy.

After such an ending, the characters, writers, directors and producers all wanted to find a bit of balance. So, how do you balance out something like that? You add cute little teddy bears to kick the crap outta the Empire. Granted, it sounds kinda silly, but overall, it didn't take anything away from the story, and added some good, lite action before a serious, dark, dramatic space battle and a great, dramatic lightsaber battle.

Overall, I like the question of which of the original trilogy you like more, because its not an easy question, considering all were awesome, and all were a bit different. The answer could tell you a lot about the person answering the question!

So, check out this video, and prepare to laugh, because its brilliant!

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