Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Harry Potter and the invisible notebook

So, as you probably know by now, I joined other movie critics from around the area for the prescreening of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. The entire experience was great, but there was something before the movie even started that caught my attention, and wouldn't let go, not even Dumbledore could shake it loose. As I sit in the critics section, I notice many notable critics with a notebook, opened and ready to go. As I sat there, listening to how I better have my cell phone off, or I die, I wondered, where was my notebook?

I have a real problem with these notebooks, and I see this as one of the reasons I find several movie critics to lack enthusiasm and write about the movie experience. I don't know how you can stay in the world the movie has created for you when you are too busy taking notes on a bit of dialogue, or commentating on a scene.

I had a movie professor that said all movies must be watched in a theater, for that is where the director had envisioned the film to be shown, it was the perfect experience for movie going. When you add this additional element, making it a job, you lose that experience, and you add an element of work.

So, I say, forget the notebooks...or do I owe them an apology?


Anonymous said...

How do you catch every word when you are writing down a thought. If they can't remember a 2 hour movie, they need to get a new job.

Anonymous said...

ahh... so hence the bit of writer's block? :(

Kevin said...

hehe, yeah, maybe! I guess I should get me a notebook, then, huh? :)