Sunday, April 26, 2009

Trailer of the week

I know, I know, I'm late. I prefer to call it fashionably late, but I don't know anything about fashion, so, who knows. So, on to the important stuff.
This week is a perfect example of a bad trailer. The trailer is creepy enough, but it does a few things wrong. First off, the trailer shows and practically flaunts a cardinal no no for horror movies, it shows the face of the bad guy. If your writing and filming is bad enough to where you need the poor shock value of showing the bad guys face, fine, call it a cheap movie, but don't flaunt the error in the trailer. The movie, in case I forgot to mention is Rob Zombies H2, and it shows a major complaint of the remake, and while us movie critics want to hang him from his pinky toe until he screams like a little girl, and this trailer comes out and waves it around like a fat guy and a free donut; Zombie tells the entire origin of the monster. I mean, in the name of all that is holy, do we need to know exactly why the monster is a monster? Why can't he just be evil, I mean, that should be good enough, and it was good enough for the original? I don't hate remakes as a rule, but there are a few things here I don't like. First off, it's clear you need to see the first movie, which sounds terrible, second it looks really cliched, not original, which is why the movie should be remade, because you have an original idea for the character, and finally you have some crazy chick ready to explain the history of Mike Myers into some convenient George Lucas approved film o' crap.
So, there ya have it, kinda negative, but this trailer breaks all the rules and doesn't scare me in the least, what do you think?

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