Friday, April 3, 2009

I love spoilers...until I read them

I am one who is like a little kid at Christmas when it comes to spoilers. I love knowing what will happen in a movie before most do, and generally, as soon as I see a trailer, I know exactly how a movie will go; the beginning, middle and end are clear as crystal during most trailers, and the ones that aren't, I go hunting for. I would say, mostly it comes from the fact I have the patience of a 2 year old, but I am always curious how the story will evolve.
So, there I am today, hunting and scrounging for what will happen on a TV show that I love, which is usually harder to predict than a movie, because, unlike the movies simplistic, 3-act formula, TV shows are different, they consider ratings, and there is no way to tell when the show just stops, and, lets face it, they have to bring in audiences back and fight for their attention every week. So, I finally found out the big switcheroo, and when I read it, I was totally disappointed, not just in the revelation, but the fact this big, huge, 2 year build up is finally over.
So, what makes a good spoiler over a bad spoiler, I mean they do the same thing, essentially ruin a movie, which is why most people avoid them like the plague. So, what made me enjoy, lets say the Star Trek Spoiler, but not my TV show spoiler? I would have to say, the only thing I can think of is the fact these characters hit way too close to my own experiences and trials and truly grew a place in my heart; a rare feat for TV these days that feature a lie detector test and Survivor Island. So, I guess, after this, it feels like a family member is leaving, and you only have those few moments of happiness before their gone.
Thirty seconds before that spoiler, I was a kid at Christmas, and after reading that spoiler, I was a kid on the 26th of December that only got sweaters and underwear.

I guess it's kinda sad to get attached to a show, but that's the intention of all media, to make the characters relate able, and lovable, don't ya just hate it when they succeed?
Do you have a show, or a particular movie that really makes you feel for the characters?

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