Thursday, April 30, 2009

Doesn't that blow your mind?!?

/Film has being getting all 'Socratic Method' on us and has come up with a theory about two of my favorite movies that makes me question reality. Their theory involves the famous Fight Club, and Ferris Bueller's day off. I know, the similarities between the two movies are astounding, right? Well, according to /Film's theory, maybe they are.
So, are you sitting down? No? Ok, well, sit down... ... ... now that you've sat down, the theory goes that Ferris Bueller is suffering from the same problem Tyler Turbin is, in that he is just a figment of someones imagination, in this case, Cameron. The idea is that Ferris Bueller is actually Cameron's alter ego, a character that allows him to be the super guy that gets the girl, and that is a guy everyone loves. It's only after Cameron's character asserts himself and destroys the Ferrari that Buellers character gets a happy ending and Cameron starts to get on with his life. This does explain how they did everything in Chicago between the hours of 9 to 5.
Now, there are a few flaws, but it's an interesting idea, don't you think? It makes you wonder if Ferris is a figment, maybe there are others that are guess is we are all just a dream of Gallagher, but that is neither here nor there.
Stay cool movie geeks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, I like this theory. It is really thinking 4th dimensionally.

(I have been saying that so much, it makes me think. "I do not think that means what you think it means"