Wednesday, April 29, 2009

New Transformers 2 trailer online!

I'm sure I will have it for my trailer of the week segment on Friday, but it is out there, go to Youtube, and it'll be impossible to miss. Right now, all the links eventually get killed because the trailer doesn't officially come out until Friday. But, I saw it, and WOW, I hope they have plenty of IMAX theaters because it looks like all out robot mayhem.
Despite what people are saying about the first one, I thoroughly enjoyed the first Transformers, I mean it did a lot of thinks right and was an enjoyable movie to watch. I think this will be more of the same, and will probably remove some of the stupid peeing jokes and be a bit darker movie, judging from the trailer, that outta please the masses. You have to hand it to Michael Bay, he makes a heck of a popcorn flick, but will never win an Academy Award.
So, what do you think about the upcoming Transformers movie? Excited? Bored?

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