Monday, December 29, 2008

You won't talk in the Theatre after this...

The Philadelphia Inquirer is reporting on a case of movie rage like no other. Everyone hates it when people simply won't shut up in a theatre, in fact, according to good ol' Shepard Book, there is a special hell for Child Molesters and people who talk in movie theatres. James Joseph Cailella Jr., 29 thought so too, and wanted to send Thomas Jefferson there to prove it. It seems Jefferson was one of those who wouldn't shut up, and Cailella got mad and decided to shoot him in the chest for not being quiet. Apparently, police were called and Cailella was charged with aggravated assault, attempted murder and a weapons possession charge.
As off balance as this is, I really hate people providing commentary in a theatre. I am not suggesting capital punishment, but maybe a good tazing wouldn't hurt now and then. It's just really crazy that some Plaxico Burress wannabe brought a gun to a theatre, that's just not smart.
So, next time, be careful who you sit next to, they could be packin'.

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