Tuesday, December 9, 2008

14 Dark Knight DVD's?

Have we gone too far with all this special edition stuff? In the name of all that is holy, there should NEVER be 14 versions of a movie at the same time. I mean, I think that comes close to toping Lucas's Star Wars money making...uhh, I mean special edition fiasco. Lord of the Rings also made a run at the title with a regular version, a special edition, a special extended cut, and a directors cut; just what we needed, that trilogy, only longer. Anyway, I am all for making money, but this ridiculous and a bit overzealous of the production company. Now, I'm tempted to not buy the movie because I know there will be a special edition directors cut extended version within 6 months, so why should I buy a version now. IT'S TAKING ADVANTAGE OF MOVIE GEEKS AND I DON'T LIKE IT!
I understand movie companies are trying to make money and milk this cash cow for all they can, but it doesn't mean I have to like it, nor does it mean that it's right.
Since this is a growing trend for movies, we might as well get used to 45 versions of movies coming out. So, watch out for the special Bat Pod version and I'll talk to you soon.

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