Wednesday, October 7, 2009

TMNT a look at a weird trailer

I love the Internet sometimes, because everyone throughout the world can come together and discuss a wide variety of subjects from politics to religion to movies. So, when someone from 'across the pond' at wrote about a classic movie called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, naturally my interest was peaked, I mean, as a kid (*cough* and still today *cough*) I loved those movies. So, when he said it was originally called "Teenage Mutant Ninja Heroe's" I started to get a little worried; then, he shared the trailer for the movie. The dubbing is just disturbing. I mean, its like having great songs sung by Peter just feels wrong.

So, check out the trailer, and let me know if I'm just freakin' out for nothin' or if the voices

See? The voices are weird, and the dubbing seems off, but whatever. Anyway, you should check out the article. Looking back on the franchise is pretty entertaining, despite the 411 mania writer looking at the series a bit harshly. Well, now, I need to get back in the right frame of mind....I need... ... ... Vanilla Ice!

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