Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I did NOT get paid Jillions of dollars for this blog

The FTC made a move that changed everything for the better, but also made things confusing at the same time. In a move earlier this week, they ammended the rules for fines on writers to include blog writing. Basically, if you are given an item, or compensated in anyway for an article, it needs to be clearly outlined in the blog post to avoid hefty fines. While this seems like a great idea, it does include companies sending their gadgets to be tested, and let the blog company keep them, it also includes DVD screeners, from what I understand.

Another great point mentioned on G-4's Attack of the Show last night was the fact that it is not clear who the FTC is going after and who is considered a writer. Could they fine someone who tweets, saying a movie rocked, or a gadget is great? No one really knows, and how would someone enforce one blog without looking at another?

So, while the idea makes sense, the execution will be poor at best.
Kevin, or Kevin's Movie Blog were unfortunetly not compensated for this article...not a friggin' dime...that's right, this loser does this for free....no, I don't think he gets laid....

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