Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Most Overrated? Is this a healthy list?

I read a blog daily called Cinematical, which has some incredibly talented writers. But on their website today, I saw a common topic being discussed, and that's the most overrated movies of 2010. As I said, I've seen a similar post on several websites, and was thinking of doing one here, but this one caught my eye, and caused me to stop thinking about doing a list at all.

Movies that the author considered overrated were movies like Toy Story 3, Shutter Island, and Kick Ass, to name a few. Now, I love to read peoples opinions, whether I agree with them or not, and this was no exception. I did, however, take issue with just slamming certain movies to cause a bit of controversy. While it's, sadly an accepted journalism practice, it's the slamming of movies that annoyed me. Basically, the author is saying that quite a few people liked these movies, and that they were wrong for that, and in some occasions, would list why; others, the author just stated they sucked.

I'm all for calling a horse a horse, or however the saying goes, and if you don't like a movie, you are welcome to say so, but an overrated movie list targets movies that often many people like and says they suck. While there are movies I do not enjoy, and don't seem to see the interest in, like, oh, say, Gone With the Wind, I can respect those opinions, and the movie itself as a good movie, and move on. I don't say they suck, nor do I say you are stupid for saying it's a good movie.

Sure there are movies that seem to get on the hype bandwagon and get blown way out of proportion, and before you know it, the hype is more about the hype than the movie, but don't tell me a movie is terrible, and expect me not to say "nuh uh." Movies are about opinion, and you're entitled to yours, just allow me to be entitled to mine, and don't make a list of movies that have people with wrong opinions.

What do you think? Overrated or not overrated?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for some quality points there. I am kind of new to online , so I printed this off to put in my file, any better way to go about keeping track of it then printing?