Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Movie Geeks!!

Christmas for me is not neccesarily about religeon. For me, it's a time to spend a great evening with friends, family and loved ones. It's also the one time of the year it's encouraged to be nice to people, and it's a great time to watch Christmas movies. That being said, I wish everyone a very merry Christmas. I hope you can spend time with your loved ones and share some happiness with someone. That's what Christmas means to me.
That being said, here's a couple of Christmas movies I can reccomend.

Die Hard - It's a Christmas movie, a darn good one, too. And who doesn't like John McClaine?
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation - Because Chevy Chase is just so darn funny.
Santa Clause - Because it captures the Christmas mood really well, and it's my girlfriends favorite.
Elf - How can you not love this movie?
Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer - This is just a classic. It's one that can capture the youthfull innocence of a childs Christmas.
Charlie Brown Christmas - A great Christmas movie that talks about the true meaning of Christmas.
The Ref - Dennis Leary and Kevin Spacey. Can it get any better?

Merry Christmas!!!

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