Monday, January 5, 2009

top 10 grossing movies of '08

So, the year is over, we've all nursed our hangovers enough, time to get back to work.
Here are the top 10 grossing movies of last year. I don't really see any of these as a surprise, and, overall, most of these movies lived up to the huge hype they had. Also, an interesting trend here is the superhero theme. I mean, there are 3 superhero's, and if you consider James Bond in that subsection, which could fit, there would be 4. Clearly Hollywood will see more of these movies given the crazy amount of cash they have raked in.
Just a side note, with the exception of MAYBE the Dark Knight, and Wall-E, there won't be any Academy nods for any of these movies. Clearly there is something a little off about that.
So, what do you think about these movies, all worth the hype, or did they rob you of your hard earned dough at the ticket counter?

1. The Dark Knight - $530.9 million
2. Iron Man - $318.3 million
3. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - $317 million
4. Hancock - $227.9 million
5. WALL-E - $223.7 million
6. Kung Fu Panda - $215.4 million
7. Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa - $176.9 million
8. Twilight - $176.8 million
9. Quantum of Solace - $166.8 million
10. Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears A Who! - $154.5 million

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, Twilight!!