Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fantasy casting Round 2: A-Team

With news that the new A-Team movie is moving forward with pre-production, the question comes up, who do you cast in such iconic roles? I say iconic, but most people hardly remember the A-Team, the great opening theme song, and the over the top action; if they remember anything, it's the fact Mr. T. was in the show, with a lot of bling (sidenote: it didn't used to be called 'bling' is used to be a 'Mr. T. starter set').

Col. John Smith, a.k.a. Hannibal - I know this guy's name has suddenly been thrown everywhere for everything, but that's because he deserves it....Robert Downey Jr.
Bosco Baracus, a.k.a. B.A. - There is simply no one who can replace Mr. T., in fact, he could easily reprise his role. Since that doesn't count for this, my choice is Michael Clark Duncan.
Cpt. H.M. Murdoch, a.k.a. "Howling mad" - This is a goofy, over the top character. When I think of that, there is only one name that comes to mind: Carrey, Jim Carrey.
Lt. Templeton Peck, a.k.a. "Faceman" - I think I may be a little biased because I am so excited Burn Notice is back on, but this is still an excellent choice; Jeffrey Donovan.

What do you think, any obvious picks I missed, or is it you just don't remember that show. Do yourself a favor and IMDB it, you can watch some episodes and absorb some classic '80's pop culture.

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