Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ticket sales up 2% in '08

It was reported today ticket sales were up over 2% in 2008. Now, part of the help is the average ticket prices now at $7.20 a pop, or an increase of 4%.
Now, the debate is whether Hollywood is making bigger, better movies, or is it the economy is driving people to the theatres because they can't afford to entertain themselves any other way.
I am not one who likes to hear the economy did this, or the economy did that, but in this case, it could be relevant. There were some outstanding movies in 2008, in my opinion, a very strong year for cinema, but not the strongest. So, I don't think it was Hollywood putting out the bigger movies, although, I think they were better than some. I do think the movie industry is benefiting from a downturn in the economy. Video rentals are also up nearly 6% over last year, showing that many are turning to cinema to take their minds off the woes of the world. It is a cheaper choice than going on vacations, shopping, and any other tasks you non-movie watchers used to do.
So, as more and more are going to the movies these days, expect to see more Hollywood blockbusters, and more effort to simply throw something out there, just to capture that influx of cash. Ya know, I've heard someone say once, Hollywood is all about making money, which is true. It looks like 2008 was a good year for someone, at least.
So, let's get back to blaming the economy for other things too, and while we're at it, throw in some El-Nino for good measure...


Anonymous said...

It happened in WW2 and it is happening now, I guess. I would rather watch a movie about an up and coming wizard than see what gas prices are...sigh.


Kevin said...

I agree, I am so tired of seeing the negativity in the news, and how everything is due to the "downturn in the economy," I would rather see everyone blown up Independence Day-style than hear any more of that.