Monday, January 12, 2009

Another Batman rumor to start your Monday

Well, the rumor mill has been spinning about the third Batman movie ever since the first trailer came out for the second movie. The third Batman is 2009's hottest topic, with no talk from the studios being official, no contracts to anyone, including director Chirstopher Nolan, talks have been flying about one thing, and one thing only; the villain. This juicy little tidbit came out this weekend, and it talks about the appearance of the Joker in the third film. It doesn't come out and say anything particular, but he said it's an idea that is possible, given the end of the movie, the company, and Nolan, himself are not tied down to an actor, but to a role. Since Ledger is no longer able to continue the role, they could find someone else to take Ledgers place for the third movie.
As movie goers may remember, I was a little shocked by the idea of Ledger as the Joker, and now, since the movie has come out, I don't think anyone can remember why. Also, I don't know that anyone, especially within the next 5 years could picture anybody but Ledger as the caped crusaders arch nemesis. I realize the same could be said about Nicholson's shot at the role, but, given the untimely death of Ledger, I believe that role is even more sacred now to moviegoers, then before, possibly the most sacred in Hollywood, at the moment.
I don't know if it's a good idea to do more than reference the Joker, maybe show hear his laugh in Archam Asylum, but, everyone also said the role was sacred before Ledger. I hope they do the sensible thing and honor Ledger's amazing performance and skip the Joker this time around.

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