Saturday, January 24, 2009

Some interesting little tidbits to brighten your day

The movie ticker has had some fairly interesting developments as Hollywood moves into high gear in anticipation of the greatest season of the year, Summer time! So, sit down, strap in and get ready to be bombarded by movie news.
  • New Moon gets some reputable teen actors. It was announced Vanessa Hudgens of High School Musical fame and Dakota Fanning, who has turned into quite the cute young lady have both signed up to appear in the Twilight sequel along with lead Kristen "Ice Queen" Stewart. This will be huge, because even though Twilight had huge numbers, what it didn't have was a single recognizable face. With the addition of actors with a loyal audience pulling people into an already massive following, the next movie could obliterate any old records.
  • With news of Wolverine getting some reshoot orders, doubt is coming to the X-men series juggernaut starring Hugh Jackman as the mutant with a hangnail. It turns out, executives have said they want more Deadpool, the character played by Ryan Reynolds. This means one of two things, either there wasn't enough comedy, or Jackman wasn't carrying the movie well enough.
  • Arnold Schwarzenager, Tom Arnold and James Cameron are looking to team up for another movie, similar to True Lies, it is supposed to be an action comedy movie. I just don't know how someone can go from Hollywood to Washington, back to Hollywood again. I guess we'll see if the Governator has lost whatever acting talent he had, won't we.
  • There are reports Tom and Jerry are coming to the big screen. This is just terrible news. This was a great cartoon, and while nothing new has come out from our favorite cat and mouse duo in quite some time, I believe we are in a society that will no longer accept the humor and simplicity of the cartoon. But, I guess I'll get into that later on.
  • In case you didn't see the Dark Knight, and judging by the box office numbers, you have, they are re-releasing it again, just to make sure they top Titanic in the box office for tops of all time.
  • Finally, the last bit of news is the huge amount of talk over Heath Ledger, and the fact he is only the second person to be nominated by the Academy posthum- uh, posthomu- uh, after death. It has also been a year since he died of a drug overdose. Maybe I'm just one to accept my loses and try to move on, but I personally don't like the constant nagging about Ledger. I think he deserves to be nominated based on performance and merit alone, not because of death; and if I have to hear one more time that a reporter asked Ledger's family and friends if he would've been happy to get some award, I may kill someone (ok, poor choice of words). I don't think anyone would dispute the fact he wanted to win an award, but I don't think he would want his family pestered and bothered and kept from moving on. Anyway, I digress.

That was the news for the week, there wasn't a lot there, but expect for things to start picking up as Hollywood gets busy.

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