Monday, November 24, 2008

That didn't take long!

With the news that Twilight smashed records for box office dough this week, bringing in $70.5 million, they have already announced the sequel, New Moon.
The good news for any big fans out there, everyone has signed on for a three movie deal, so you will see Kristen Stewart back as the pale-skinned love interest. Apparently, the movie will be shooting as early as this spring, so look for the second to go toe-to-toe with Harry Potter in coming years.
So, who is gonna win, Edward or Harry? Harry has some more books, but Edward is what is fresh and new, and apparently, Edward is setting records for swooning teenagers, while Harry seems to be ok with flashing his junk on Broadway.
My money will be on Harry, but I do think the margin will be pretty close since the delay of this movie has disappointed quite a few, I think the PR machine needs to kick it into gear soon to generate some hype, or the fanged-one could make a run at the title!
What do you think, Harry or some vampire-type?

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