Friday, November 21, 2008

Jamie Foxx as James Bond?

There is a report going around that some reporter has asked Jamie Foxx about what Quantum of Solace star Daniel Craig has said, saying "we are ready for a black James Bond." Obviously the role peaked the interest of Jamie Foxx, or vice versa. Apparently, Foxx said he would be interested.
Would you like Jamie Foxx as James Bond in the next movie? I remember when Daniel Craig was announced, supposed die hard fans were complaining and saying a blond Bond would be unacceptable, and now, most are saying that Craig is the man, so would Jaime Foxx receive the same problems with the same praise, I don't think so.
While there are great reasons Foxx could be the next Bond, I don't think it's a good move. Before you call me a racist, hear me out. Bond requires a bit of swagger and wit, and despite the two latest movies, Bond isn't as much of a Commando as he is a smooth talking, gadget wielding pimp, and Foxx has never shown he has the ability to do that. He can win an Oscar as Ray Charles, and he can shoot down planes in Stealth, but a suave, British spy, I don't think he has it in him. Are there other reasons I don't think he should be Bond, maybe, but that's my answer, convenient or not.
Do you think America is ready for a black James Bond? We just elected a black president, so is this the next logical step? I don't think so, not yet. I think that will be proof that America takes its movies more serious than the politics (I live in Florida, so I can say that!). But, maybe one day, there will be a black Bond, but don't do it to make a statement, do it because that person truly will be the best fit to take on the burden of such a role. I think the "statement" of such a person would blanket the quality of the film.
I do believe there is a difference between this and the story I had before, of Will Smith as Captain America. While there may be some statement making, I think they thought he would be the best for the role, I mean he is king of the summer blockbusters.
What do you think, is a black James Bond a good idea, or a problem in the making?

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