Tuesday, October 26, 2010

John Landis calls Inception unoriginal - I need to vent

This isn't going to be the well thought out, masterfully constructed blog post you are used to on this site. Stop laughing, I'm serious. ... No, really, stop laughing. Anywho, this post is about me venting over news that director John Landis (Blues Brothers, Psych, Oscar) was quoted as saying smash hit Inception was "interesting enough..., but not original."

Now, I have no problems with someone saying they don't like the movie. Inception will be one you either love or hate, and it's easy to see both points of view. I personally love it, but as I said, I can see the other point of view as well. What I do have a problem with is calling the movie unoriginal. With all the sequels, reboots, prequels, and adaptations for old TV shows, I find it unacceptable to call a movie like Inception unoriginal. Does it take plot or character elements from another source? Sure. But what story in history hasn't? The Bible took elements from Mayan stories of a great flood and fires before it, along with Homeric tales being taken from rumored other stories that have vanished over the centuries, and it's hard to get much earlier than either of those. Star Wars took multiple story lines from multiple other movies and stories, along with The Matrix taking elements from philosophy, the Bible and other Sci-Fi tales, but no one calls those unoriginal.

It's hard to find anything truly original, because so many stories have been touched on. If you look hard enough, you will find something familiar in everything. So, when something that was written from scratch, was designed from scratch and has no noticeable previous media influences is created, we should celebrate, because at least it isn't Charlie's Angels 3, or another Hulk reboot. It's a direction Hollywood should start going in, where people sit down to create new ideas, not rehash old ones, but it doesn't seem to be a common trend, and that is commendable.

What do you think? Are there really no original ideas anymore? Is Inception unoriginal? Sound off.

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