Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Hopp.NET blog-tastic project!

Yeah, that's what I'm calling it. I spent all day thinking of that title, so shut your face!
Anywho, the Blog-tastic project is basically a way for me to get my lazy ass in gear. In case you haven't noticed, I haven't spent the time I should here lately, and I haven't been able to figure out why, or how to fix it.

So, a few weeks ago, a good friend of mine, Rabid Nick Refer started "Project Blackout" where he quit social media for a week. He had me hooked when he said he would be "unplugging from the Matrix." As a result, he had a daily video, talking about how he did. It was inspiring.

So, while I'm not doing anything nearly that motivational or inspiring, or even that creative, I have decided that as of Sunday, I would dedicate a bit more time, and promise a minimum of two blogs and a video each day for one week.

Now, sure, it sounds easy. That's because it is, but it's hard doing it every day. And, I'm not talking about those little posts that present a really cool trailer, I'm talking about the writing that makes TheHopp.NET the best movie site on the web...that is run by a guy named Kevin...from Florida...that has the word 'Hopp' in it...that uses the word "blog-tastic"... alright, you get the point.

The video each day will be the third post (minimum) and will talk about whatever I want to talk about. Don't worry, it'll be mainly movie related; it'll talk about how easy or hard it was to come up with the material and maybe anything else I couldn't get a full post out of.

So, there it is, my vow to begin The Hopp.NET's Blog-tastic Project! Get excited. Tell your friends. Your mama too.

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