Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Spiderman 4 is dead


You read that correctly, Spiderman 4 is no more. This comes on the heals of news that John Malkovich would be playing The Vulture in the next movie with Tobey Maguire dawning the tights for another go-round.

/Film is now reporting that Sam Raimi has left the project, along with Tobey Maguire, and that Sony has a script ready for a series reboot, having Peter Parker as a younger teenager. The move, according to /Film is said to be one of creative differences over the villain, which is the problem (amongst others) that plagued the third movie. So, with Sam Raimi and Tobey Maguire removed, the studio seems to have drastically cut the production costs of the movie; but at what cost to the fans?

Now, Sony will be asking us to forget the movies that broke box office records, and put the friendly neighborhood Spiderman into our hearts as they prepare for a “dark and grittier” Spiderman similar to Batman Begins.

While the movie may turn out to be good, as Batman Begins was, I am more than a little hesitant. Sure, the third movie stunk to high cinematic heaven, but I was interested to see what Raimi could do with another chance, given his realization of the mistakes he made. I also really liked the first two movies, and considering those bought him some sort of leeway, I was willing to give the benefit of the doubt.

A reboot, however, very rarely works. I could say there are only two exceptions that come to mind; Star Trek and Batman. I think you only need to go as far back as 2008, and Edward Norton’s Incredible Hulk. Sure, it wasn’t a bad movie, but it hardly turned heads, and it hardly made waves at the box office.

So, what do you think of a rebooted franchise and a dark and grittier Spiderman? Turn it loose in the comments section!

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