Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Porno is a 4 letter word...

1..2..3..4..5...ok, so it's a 5 letter word, but it's really a 4 letter word according to many websites and newspapers throughout the country who say they find the term offensive, and as a result, refuse to run ads regarding Kevin Smith's new movie Zack and Miri Make a Porno.
Are we so uptight as a society we find the word porno offensive? I try to stay away from commentary on society because this is a movie blog, but unfortunately the two have crossed paths and I have to vent. I don't see why something like this would be offensive, the word itself is not vulgar, or offensive. The implications of the word, I guess is what they are having a hard time with. Now, you can't tell me those same uptight editors who said it's offensive are the same ones that have kiddie porn, or maybe farm porn or something along those lines are their computers. Porn is a natural art form brought on by the Internet and met for teenage boys and dirty old men to look at, big deal. No one is holding a gun to any one's head, here, and screw the people who find that offensive.
Now, the problem is, what will the marketing campaign look like for this movie when so many places are refusing to allow the title of this movie to be printed or shown? It's too late to change the title, the only thing left would be to plaster the poster everywhere online and pray to the Internet gods for a miracle. It's a shame, I like Kevin Smith, his movies are usually pretty good, too, I hope the movie does well, it would be terrible if society was just too uptight to allow a good film to flourish.
Then again, Kevin Smith lives off controversy (see Dogma) so, maybe this was his plan all along....we may never know.

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