Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New Tron: Legacy trailer is awesome

The original Tron movie, despite it's dated graphics is still one of the more beloved nerd films of all time, so when it was announced that Disney would be making a sequel, there were some people questioning whether they could pull it off. It's pretty obvious by the most recent trailer that they can.

The new trailer for Tron: Legacy breaks down the plot nicely. It looks like Flynn (Jeff Bridges) gets sucked back into the computer world and abandons his son (Garrett Hedlund), only to have his son grow up and follow his father into the world of a computer. Somehow, this incredibly lucky computer has a digital Olivia Wilde and a cool looking young version of Flynn.

The visuals look incredible, and are a vast improvement over the innovative but dated original. The soundtrack sounds an aweful lot like Inception, but maybe it's just me.

Overall, this trailer proves why this movie is at the top of my most anticipated list.

1 comment:

Jasandra said...

I seriously cant wait to see this movie, & for the most part Disney always pulls off sequals!

Deff on the LIST