Thursday, November 18, 2010

100 things I like about Cinema

As I was browsing through some blogs today, I came across a really great post on a blog called thedroidyourelookingfor (seriously, the name alone is worth clicking on). The post, instead of talking about how bad the movie season was, or the most hated character in all cinema, or how he hated Harry Potter, he listed 100 things he loved about movies. It was refreshing to say the least, and it was really well done.

Now, I am in no way trying to copy his list, but, I would like to think I’m more inspired by the list to make my own. Now, it’s not done yet, not by a long shot. It turns out, coming up with 100 things in one sitting isn’t the easiest thing to do; not because there aren’t 100 things, just that my brain doesn’t have quite enough RAM for the job.

So, here’s what I’ve got so far. What would you add?

1) Quan-Su means like free beer or something
2) Calvin Klein is written all over his underwear
3) He’s a scruffy-looking Nerf Herder
4) He can’t see us if we don’t move
5) How cool it was when Max turned into a silver Nerf Ball
6) That McCrowski picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue
7) The two suns on Tattoine
8) I wasn’t even supposed to be here today
9) Here’s lookin at you kid
10) The scene where the guys are singing in the boat and the barrel pops up
11) How the sun is in your eyes before Mal moves and says “I aim to misbehave”
12) When the explosion in the fake town blows up the horse and the guy
13) Any Schwartz joke
14) When George Clooney says the words “Jedi Warrior” and Ewan McGregor looks puzzled
15) The Dude
16) When Gwenyth Paltrow realizes she left the lens cap on the whole time.
17) The Jungles of Pandora
18) The flying monkeys and that crazy music!
19) The train battle in Spiderman 2
20) The way Christopher Walken says “Ping-Pong”
21) The fact dogs can look up
22) When the beautiful Enterprise rises up through the red fog stuff
23) Every time Indy uses a whip
24) When Indy pulls out a gun and shoots the sword wielding fiend
25) When Simon Pegg drop-kicks that old lady in the name of the “greater good”
26) The car chase in Bad Boys 2, where they wreck a boat

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