Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A random thought - "Here's what to see"

As I read through my many movie blogs this morning, I came across a post that had the headline "Here's what to see the rest of the year," or something similar. After looking at the post, I got a bit annoyed, because there were only a few movies on there, and in my opinion, they left out one or two I'm looking forward to.

This got me thinking about the stupidity of the headline, and maybe I'm over thinking it, but, work with me, here. As a movie fan, not a movie snob, I think you should try to see every movie, or any movie, not just ones that could win an Academy Award. Sure those movies will have plenty of attention, and sure, they may be technically superior to a movie like Jonah Hex, but does that mean you shouldn't see any of the crap out there?

It seems like a slippery slope to me, like Adam Sandler's character in Click, you start to skip the ones that look stupid, and the ones that Award Snobs don't think you should see, and then you start skipping comic book movies, because they are "so yesterday" and then you start skipping ones that probably won't win best picture, and what are you left with? One, maybe two movies this year. I had a professor that told me movies should be treated like another language, you should try to see as many as you can, and see them often, to keep yourself speaking the language.

So, instead of trying to see the ones on some list, trying seeing all of them. Sure, you may have to sit through a few Jonah Hex's or maybe one or two Death at a Funeral's, but is it really that bad? Besides, it makes the ones that amaze you that much sweeter!

So, that's my rant for today. What do you think? Did I over think it a bit? Do you stick to a list?

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