Friday, July 9, 2010

Classic '80s opening credits for Firefly

I am a huge Firefly fan. We call ourselves the Browncoats, and sadly there weren't enough of us around when the show was on the air to keep it on the air more than 13 episodes (Damn you FOX). But since then, a movie, Serenity, and countless fan-made works have appeared online as a show of support for the show, and the characters. Here is one such video, a classic '80s credits intro to the show. The original into is amazing, but this is pretty entertaining. Which do you like better?

The '80's version:

The Original version:

1 comment:

Jimbo said...

I never was a huge fan of the original intro song musically, though I thought it definitely captured the tone of the show. This '80s thing was pretty sweet, though.