Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Would you miss wandering the wall?

I've discussed quite a bit about my feelings on video stores, and their unfortunate decline, but now, one of the best movie news sites, /Film has a post about whether you would miss the brick and mortar stores. Here is the post, check out the comments, they seem to range from people who will miss it to those who are diehard Netflix users.

"In their most recent episode, they wax nostalgic about VHS (who among us DIDN’T love storing 8 hours of footage on a single cassette tape?) and Dan Trachtenberg concludes that while there were positive aspects of the video store experience, a lot of what people are holding onto when it comes to the demise of video stores is actually some romanticized notion of what the rental experience was like, rather than reality."

What do you think, is it nostalgia getting the better of us, or are we gonna miss the thrill and spontaneity of going to the store?  Discuss.

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