Thursday, September 17, 2009

And the winner for best 3-D movie is....

Sorry for the tease, there, but I do have a point behind it. I was reading an article the other day that was discussing exactly how long it would be before we here those words at the Academy Awards. Now, before you whip out your swords and torches, the idea was meant as a discussion piece. It got me thinking, however, will this be a fad, like the last three times Hollywood went 3-D, or is it finally taking enough of a hold to be with us for awhile, and also, does that mean it's a gimmick still? I would love to hear your comments and opinions of 3-D in the comments section. Until then, here's my opinion:

I think the whole thing is a fad that just seems annoyingly gimmicky and ruins a movie by taking the audience away from the experience to smack them in the face with a pie, or spiders, or some other nonsensical 3-D element. I have seen a few 3-D movies, and I haven't cared for any of them, and like the last few times Hollywood has tried, I think we will see that once the director has thrown his arsenal at the audience, he will have shot his load, and 3-D will go back in the box.

That's just my opinion, though....


Anonymous said...

Best 3D movie of all times....Jaws 3, duh!!
I can't watch these for long. I get a headache.


Kevin said...

I agree! When the tail is sticking out of the control room and its flailing around....that is what is known in the biz as "Citizen Kanery." -Don't worry, I patented that term!

Rabid Nick said...

I still haven't seen any or the recent 3D movies but the tech is too good and they are making too much money. It's becoming much more common than a gimmick these days.

From my perception is the are going behind just gimmicky things jumping at you and it's more to add ambiance and depth to the world.

I think.