Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Top MacGuffins in cinema history

EDITORS NOTE: This also appeared on Creative Loafing's website, HERE. I would appreciate the support of a click, as always. And, BTW, it was 7 not because I couldn't think of 8, but because I'm rebelling against society and their fascination for even numbered things.

A MacGuffin is a term coined by the famous Alfred Hitchcock and used continuously by George Lucas as a plot element, generally an object that drives a storyline and the characters. So, check out some of the most famous, and you’ll get the idea. After that, let me know if you can think of any good ones I missed!

7) The Matrix – The Matrix

This one is debatable as a true MacGuffin, because it’s not necessarily an object, but an environment. However, throughout the movie, the question “what is the Matrix” is asked, and answered with varying layers, with the ultimate answer establishing it as a MacGuffin. Now, my head hurts.

6) Death Star – Star Wars Ep. IV

The one element that brings the characters together, it’s not a moon, it’s a space station. Thanks to this MacGuffin, Han and Chewie meet up Obi Wan, Luke and Leia and cause Luke to take his first step towards becoming a Jedi badass.

5) The Delorean – Back to the Future

The time machine, built into the totally awesome car, this MacGuffin works throughout the trilogy to varying degrees, but in the first one, the time machine requires Marty to kiss his mom, man up his dad, and get struck by lightning, all in one night.

4) The Ark of the Covenant – Raiders of the Lost Ark

There are few who are better than Lucas at employing the use of a MacGuffin, as he demonstrates in one of my favorite movies ever. The Ark of the Covenant is the object the Nazis and our hero Indy go after, and don’t forget, the Ark is responsible for some child-scarring face melting scenes.

3) The Letters of Transit – Casablanca

In the greatest love story ever told, it’s not love that brings everyone together, its letters of transit, allowing two people to escape the jail that is Casablanca. The letters are what bring everyone together, but it does amount to a hill of beans to Rick, not with the very fine Ilsa.

2) The Ring – Lord of the Rings

This MacGuffin is in the title, and is the reason for some great fight scenes, and forty-two endings. Despite this not being one of my favorite series, you can’t deny how important the ring is in this movie.

1) Rosebud – Citizen Kane

In the biggest, most parodied MacGuffin of all time, Rosebud takes the cake on this list. Throughout the movie, you’re trying to figure out who or what “Rosebud” is, only to find out it’s a friggin’ sled. Of course Rosebud is much more than that, but still, it’s a sled.

So, there it is, my top 7. What did you think? Are there any other really great ones I missed? Do you think the car should beat the sled?

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