Trekkies are known throughout the world as the most over the top of the movie fans. There doesn’t seem to be anyone who can top the ravenous nature of the Klingon loving fans, with their conventions, toys, even there own language. Lately, however, there seems to be a franchise with a fan base crazy enough to go after the thrown; Twilight fans.
It is no secret Twilight fans have a killer instinct that drives the stars of the movie into hiding and makes them afraid for their own life. Also, there seems to be countless Twilight clubs online, along with little conventions of their own, which are pretty impressive, considering there is only one movie out.
So, which group is the more…passionate? (I say that, because I don’t wanna call them crazy and have them coming after me.)
Trekkies have been around a lot longer, with the TV show starting in 1966, and 11 movies, spanning 30 years, and spawning 4 more TV shows, Trekkies seem to have the advantage when it comes to material. Where they lack, however, seems to be the amount of money made. Up until this years reboot/sequel/whatever of the franchise, the franchise seemed to have a warp nacelle in the grave, the highest grossing movie for the original series was Star Trek IV: The Voyage home with a $67 million gross, and the highest ever, was Star Trek: First Contact with $97 million. The final numbers aren’t in with the newest movie blowing away expectations, but until now, the franchise definitely had a week spot.
Twilight has a total of 4 movies planned, with one in the books…get it…books? Never mind. Anyway, there is one movie out on DVD, with one being filmed, and two more in some stage of pre-production. The books that the movies are based on seem to be everywhere, a clear advantage to Star Trek. The first movie alone grossed a total of $191 million, with a staggering $69 million in its first week (more than the Voyage Home ever got). The final advantage, it seems, for Twilight, is the youth, who will be obsessing about the adventures of emo-vampires for decades to come.
So, pretty evenly matched, don’t you think? Who is the more rabid, vicious, obsessed group? My money is still on the Trekkies, who, with the newest movie, seemed to have grown their numbers, but with Twilight coming out next summer, expect that to possibly change, with what I predict to be a possible box office record breaking weekend.
So, we made it through another showdown, if you disagree, leave me a comment, but don’t hunt me down. Also, for your entertainment, check out this funnyordie.com video about the craziness of the Twilight fans. Until then, stay cool, movie geeks!
I don't know that the "with decades to come" about Twilight fans is true. To be honest, once the last movie comes out, I think it will be done. No new TV show, no new merchandising. No new stories. I think Trekkies have been around longer, so therefore, they know how to weather the storm.
Don't get me wrong, I am a Twilight person, but I am worried that it will go the way of Harry Potter. (Which in a way, I think beats Twilight.
I just can't believe the studio will wake away from such a money making machine like Twilight, just because the books are over. While Harry Potter fans may outnumber Twilight fans, they seem to be quietly happy about their beloved wizard and his wand, but the Twilight fans....friggin' crazy!
Women = crazy so they are going to take their passion to further lengths. As said after just seeing the Twilight flick tonight I can seem them expanding it to all kinds of crazy stuff.
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