Thursday, May 21, 2009

Star Wars still king according to poll

According to a survey done by a website called of 330,000 votes, Star Wars Ep. 4 is considered the top Sci-Fi movie of all time. This pole seems really Star Wars friendly with some of their questions, but the focus on the Sci-Fi, so lets go through what they come up with, and we'll see if we agree, or call some Florida-style shenanigans.

Top Sci-fi movies-
1) Star Wars Ep. 4
2) Star Wars Ep. 5
3) Aliens
4) The Matrix
5) Blade Runner

Now, I have to question Blade Runner. I mean, have they actually seen the movie, or did they just read about the hype? While I like any list that has the Matrix, I do question the placement of these, and wonder where some of the other greats would rank on the list.

The worst Sci-Fi film of all time, according to the list is none other than John Travoltas epic failure, Battelfield Earth. Clearly whoever voted on this list doesn't watch the Sci-Fi channel all that often.

Now, here is where the pole is kinda goofy, they rate the Star Wars movies as follows:
1) Empire Strikes Back
2) A New Hope
3) Return of the Jedi
4) Revenge of the Sith
5) the Phantom Menace
6) Attack of the Clones

Now, I have a problem with the list, when the number one movie of all time is number two on this list. Other than that, I don't have too much of a problem with the list, other than I would have put The Phantom Menace at the bottom, and given Attack of the Clones one better spot.

A few other notables include Vader being the best Villain in cinema history; Empire being the best sequel of all time; Han Solo being the best character of all time; Ripley being the best Heroin; Back to the Future taking best Sci-Fi comedy and Serenity is the most underrated. Not all bad there. If you would like to check out where your favorite movie ended up, here is the link

So, do you agree with the list, or, possibly has Star Trek earned a spot at the top, or the Matrix, or even, dare I say Mega shark vs. Giant Octopus...I mean, it deserves its spot too, right?

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