According to Akroyd, the script is done, and they have the original cast signed, including Akroyd, Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, Ernie Hudson, and Sigourney Weaver. The movie is supposed to be a passing of the torch type movie to a new crew of Ghostbusters. There is no word on the cast, but Akroyd had suggested Alyssa Milano and Eliza Dushku, saying he thinks they are great!
So, there you have it, Dan Akroyd himsel, saying he wants a sexier, sleeker Ghostbusters. I like the idea of Alyssa Milano and Eliza Dushku; I mean, they have talent, they are great to look at, and they are already in the realm of supernatural slaying, but I don't know how much humor they are going to convey, especially Dushku; from what I've seen, she's always played the rebellious teenager/young woman, never the comic relief. A couple of picks for some sexy, comedic actresses off the top of my head include Jordana Spiro of My Boys fame (IMDB Page http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0819079/), another would be Allison Mack, from Smallville (IMDB page http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0532928/), and a third would be Maggie Lawson, from Psych (IMDB Page http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0493279/), finally, Elizabeth Banks would finish it (IMDB Page http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0006969/). Now, after I look at my list, I notice two things; first, I apparently have blonds on the brain today; and secondly, I have TV on the brain, because I can't see any funny women in movies lately...I'm blaming it on the rain.
So, now I have the leading ladies, I need some guys. My first choice, which is my first choice for nearly everything is Captain Hammer, himself, Nathan Fillion (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0277213/), Steve Carrell, Justin Long, and the token black guy would be played by Orlando Jones. Although, now that I look at it, you really wouldn't need the ladies to be too funny with this crew, I mean, just put some eye candy next to these guys, and you still have comedic gold.
Now, what do you think, do you think this new team of ectoplasmic crime fighters could take on the StayPuft Marshmellow Man? I just can't see it, I mean, Ghostbusters without the original crew handling the packs would be weird...could be fun, though.
I think Elisha Dushkov was hilarious in Bring it On! Gosh, how can you forget James' favorite movie?
Also - I don't like anyone cuz they aren't the originals. There shouldn't be a plethora of girls for eye candy. That isn't the point of the movie.
I agree to a point, there shouldn't be a plethora of girls (then what is a plethora...sorry) but I do understand the need to a new, sexy, stylish, and most importantly, funny cast to carry on the torch, I mean, have you seen Bill Murray lately?
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